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ARCA Charity Week 2016

Posted on: 14/11/2016

ARCA Charity Week 2016

This year, for the first time, the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA), held a Charity week; 24th – 28th October 2016, with all funds raised going to Mesothelioma UK and The Indee Rose Trust.

Mesothelioma UK is a national resource dedicated to supporting people with asbestos cancer, providing specialist Mesothelioma information, support & improved care and treatment. Also, through donations the charity plans to provide patients across the UK access to mesothelioma clinical nurse specialists.

The Indee Rose Trust helps children, and their families, who have been diagnosed with a brain or spinal tumour, by providing support such as, bespoke treasure boxes full of treats and holiday accommodation for the children and their families.

Leading the week, the ARCA team embarked on a cycling challenge, travelling the distance from Glasgow to Rayleigh on an exercise bike in the office – a total of 480 miles, raising over £1,300.

Life Environmental doubled its efforts in support of the ARCA Charity week, hosting various fundraising activities across its network of UK offices. Life employees were asked to wear white to work, chosen to represent the awareness ribbon for Mesothelioma (originally clear, referencing air and being too-often unnoticed, the ribbon has over time evolved to primarily pearl or white). Raffle tickets were also available throughout the week with a top prize of £100 Love2Shop vouchers on offer. Each regional office held a supporting fundraiser, from spooky bake sales to guessing the number of sweets in the jar. Life staff truly got into the spirit of the week raising £600, whilst enjoying themselves too.

Picture (left to right): Andy Fowler, Project Director and Steve Watts, Managing Director.

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